But first we want to take you back in time. The journey of Cavex Bite&White whitening started in 2010 with the launch of the patient kit with 2 syringes of 16% carbamide peroxide, equal to 6% hydrogen peroxide. Soon after, this was followed by the Cavex Bite&White Masterkit, Ready 2 Use and extensions based upon PVP peroxide i.e. the Impact kit and Tooth whitening pens. Nowadays we have a full range of whitening products and are still expanding. We develop and test new formulations, to make the whitening treatments as effective and comfortable as possible.
During our expansion to other countries it was clear that the rules set for the European Union are not working for a lot of countries outside of the EU. The percentages of hydrogen peroxide where not competing with all other products in the market outside of the EU. In response to this Cavex developed the Cavex Bite&White In-Office. Products containing 25% pure hydrogen peroxide, chemically encapsulated and stabilized. This EU patented formulation is now sold with high success rates in many countries.
One question is returning to us again and again; “Is the 25 % hydrogen peroxide concentration sufficient for an in-office whitening treatment?” In order to provide a solid answer we checked the science behind the development of the Hydrogen Peroxide Superior in the Cavex Bite&White In-Office. The use of the pure form of the hydrogen peroxide enables a very fast supply of radicals that create energy to attack the colored stains in teeth.
This effect of this exothermic reaction can be more explained with following example:
- 1 gram 25% HPS decomposes in water, oxygen and 0,7 kJ energy which is sufficient to increase the temperature of 50 ml water with 3 °C !
When comparing this exothermic mechanism of Hydrogen Peroxide Superior with the reaction of carbamide peroxide we immediately recognize a fundamental difference. The carbamide peroxide must first dissolve in urea and hydrogen peroxide which requires energy, a so called endothermic reaction.
In 2022, we decided to come from this theory to clinical performance. Therefore, we started a cooperation with Prof Dr Aikaterina Papathanasiou from the Boston University. Together with her team she performed a first study in which they compared the performance with two main competitors Opalescence Boost (Ultradent) and Zoom Whitening (Philips).
Once we made our evaluations the difference between Cavex and the competitor products became clear.
- Cavex shows highest delta E (color difference) after 1 hour.
- Philips shows high L (Lightness) after 24 hours but strong reduction L after 1 week and 4 weeks. This can be explained by the fact that Zoom Whitening requires a LED light.
Overall conclusion drawn by the university: “Although significant differences were observed at earlier time points, by 4wk-PW there were no differences in either delta E or L between groups”
So what does this mean? Based on these test results we can conclude that our 25% hydrogen peroxide is just as effective as the competitors where the percentage of hydrogen peroxide is higher. And why is this an interesting outcome? Working with a less high percentage of hydrogen peroxide limits the chance of side effects like teeth sensitivity. This not only enhances the overall user experience but also positions our products as great options for individuals seeking effective teeth-whitening solutions without compromising on dental comfort.